Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fire, run..!!!!

Today at 3:30pm it was a very calm day till that time in office. Suddenly there was panic and fear in everybody's face because of the announcement. It said, there was a fire broke out in our office lab so everybody rush to the fire exit and evacuate from the office building to the safer place. Everybody including me where looking eachother thinking of what to do. Suddenly the fire alarm broke out and signalling that there was a fire somewhere. Then everybody rushed to the fire door and starting evacuating from the building. When we came out we saw some of colleagues where in the strecher coming out of the building. Some of my other colleagues wearing some colourful(fluorscent) jacket and running here and there. we assembled in one particular area near to the security gate and they started head counting. Finally they announced it was a kind of drill, they want to see what kind of reaction we show when there was a real fire. Then i realise that its a game, not real fire. It was a good show at the end, where they told us how fast we need to react in such scenarios. And one thing i found out today that everybody cared for their own lifes including me, they dont bother about others in these kind of scenorios. This has to change accordingly, so that in this kind of scenes we have to care for others also. Finally it was a good show with some learnings....



Blogger Priya said...

So a big boo huh. Its always good to be alert and they do it in many corporate offices.

Well u cud get some fresh air isn't it.

Thursday, October 11, 2007 9:00:00 PM  
Blogger Juhi said...

That must have been quite an experence here... reall thinking that there was a fire. I was at a book store a few days back and the alarms went offf...they eacuated us and the fire trucks came...but las...they only found a cigarette butt!!
nice blog. do visit mine sometime

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:30:00 PM  
Blogger Kavitha Jay said...

lol..thats quite funny..
once we had this fire drill in my hostel at 2am...:S

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is all well at your end?

Monday, November 05, 2007 7:46:00 PM  

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